July 19, 2021

BOT Message 295 – Virgin Mary: Time for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart Not Far Away

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July 12, 2021

BOT Message 287 – I Was Accused of Heresy and Blasphemy When I Walked the Earth December 26, 2011 @ 3:50 PM Date of Input and Sharing – July 11, 2021

Tap or click to download Input July 11, 2021 Screen Share Format Copy
July 6, 2021

Message – God the Father: My Son is Being Sent to Claim His Rightful Throne December 24, 2011 @ 6:00 PM Date of Input and Sharing – July 6, 2021 Message – God the Father: My Son is Being Sent to Claim His Rightful Throne December 24, 2011 @ 6:00 PM Date of Input and Sharing – July 6, 2021 (Message) My daughter, just as I sent a Savior into the world the first time to save humanity I am now ready to send My Son, Jesus the Redeemer of mankind, once again to salvage those souls who could not […]
December 27, 2020


THE LAWS OF NATURE ARE SUSPENDED This is a clip from the website I followed since 2015. What is very interesting here is the stark similarity of the SUSPENSION OF THE LAWS OF NATURE that occurred on the 1ST COMING OF OUR LORD with that of what will occur on the 2ND COMING OF OUR LORD. This is revealed to Jakob Lorber a Christian mystic. Jakob Lorber (22 July 1800 – 24 August 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary from the Duchy of Styria, who promoted liberal Universalism. He referred to himself as “God’s scribe”. He wrote that on […]
November 29, 2020

Message 0106 – Message from the Virgin Mary Regarding Her Lost Children

Message 0106 – Message from the Virgin Mary Regarding Her Lost Children On June 7, 2011 @ 2:45 PM Message Reading – Becky Wagas Date of Input and Sharing – November 29, 2020 Notes: Commentaries are in bullets My child these last few days have not been easy. When you obey My son that is all that matters. Please do not allow doubts or fears come into your heart at this stage for when they do it is because the Deceiver is at work. Open your heart to allow the graces to flood your soul so that you can become […]
November 28, 2020

Book of Truth Messages National Crusade of Prayer Online Session

Book of Truth Message 1 November 28, 2020 I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming by admin | June 7, 2013 11:45 pm My dearly beloved daughter, all of those who know the Truth and who accept the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book, must accept that He has granted the world the greatest Mercy. Now that the time draws closer for My Second Coming, those who recognize My Voice and who listen to […]
November 26, 2020

Message 0104 – Two Comets will Collide, My Cross will Appear in a Red Sky

Tap to download: Message 0104 Input
November 24, 2020

Message 0102 – Pope Benedict’s Days are Now Numbered

Tap the link below to download Message 0102 Input
November 20, 2020

Message 0098 – The Swords of Justice will Fall Now

Notes: Commentaries are in bullets Hear Me now My children everywhere. The Swords of Justice will fall on those who fail to prepare adequately for The Warning. My flames of Divine Mercy, presented to the world to give each of you a taste of what the  Final Day of Judgement will be like,  is going to be misinterpreted by so many of you. This great day of The Warning draws closer by the month so you must now put aside the time in preparing for My Divine Mercy. Commentaries This is another short message that we have today and it deals […]